The Church of Euthanasia
e-sermon #6
When the white devils first arrived in what is now the United States, the
population consisted of approximately 1 million highly evolved and deeply
spiritual people, in a state of harmony with the Earth that can hardly even be
described in our language. You could drink from any flowing body of water, and
there was enough food to last forever.
Now our water is so poisonous we are warned not swim in the rivers, let alone
drink from them. Near the cities, the air is so poisonous that in the summer,
we are advised to stay indoors, and avoid heavy exercise. We are drowning in own
excrement, choking on our own filth. What will we do when the soil is barren,
and the sun is so strong we can't go outside anymore? What will we do when even
the bottled water is poisonous?
Whole nations are being left to starve to death, because there simply is not
enough topsoil left to sustain them without disrupting the consumer economy.
Even here, in the United States, in the belly of the beast, we are seeing
widespread poverty, homelessness, and yes, even starvation. Who are these
faceless, miserable people we pass on the street corners? What makes them
different from us? Are they an inferior species, perhaps? Look into their eyes,
deeply, and see yourself, see your future.
We are rapidly driving ourselves and the other animal and plant species that
remain to extinction. So much catastrophic and irreparable damage has been done
in so short a time that the "scientists" are unable to even catalog it all, let
alone predict its effects. We are witnessing the complete, systematic
destruction of a living being. Imagine the Earth as a giant cigar, and imagine
yourself smoking it. Soon there will be only smoke, and ashes.
The important question is not whether, or how, humans are killing the Earth,
but WHY. The Church of Euthanasia was founded to in order to publicize this
question, and its true answer. This answer to this question is a flaming sword;
the Octopus recoils from it, leaving only charred tentacles behind. Each person
exposed to the real answer has a precious opportunity to change their world-view
and escape forever from the glittering, mechanized land of dreams we call the
Humans were not always so destructive. We only have that impression because
written history is the history of the West. What changed? How did the West
de-evolve? The answer goes back to the history of ancient Greece. What was the
philosopher Socrates sentenced to death for? Socrates was sentenced to death for
heresy; he taught that the Immortal Principles, which could be either MEASURED,
or PROVED mathematically, were above the Gods. This was the beginning of both
EMPIRICISM, defined in Webster's as "the theory that sensory experience is the
only source of knowledge," and the opposite but equally dangerous theory of
RATIONALISM; "that reason, or intellect is the true source of knowledge, rather
than the senses."
Many centuries later in Europe, a battle was fought between the SUBJECTIVE
rationalists and the OBJECTIVE empiricists, and the empiricists won, thanks to
the fancy footwork of a German philosopher named Immanuel Kant. The logical
consequence of empiricism was MATERIALISM, "the doctrine that matter is the only
reality and that everything in the world, including thought, will, and feeling
can be explained only in terms of matter." Sound familiar? That's what they were
teaching you in school: Science can explain everything! From materialism, it
was a short step to EXISTENTIALISM, the belief "that each man exists as an
individual in a purposeless universe, and that he must oppose his hostile
environment through the exercise of his free will." Existentialism is the
FOUNDATION of the Spectacle.
Humans are destroying the Earth because they believe that nothing matters.
Welcome to the age of Moloch, whose name is the MIND. Now that the universe
is purposeless, why NOT take as much as you want, of whatever you want, by any
means necessary? America was founded to guarantee its citizens unlimited wealth
and power, if they are violent and ruthless enough to take it. This is
MACHIAVELLIANISM, "political cunning and duplicity, intended to favor arbitrary
power." Nixon called it REALPOLITIK: Power before ideals.
In the towers of the mighty trans-national corporations that control the
Spectacle, our leaders sit in conference rooms, buying and selling the Earth's
resources. Are they so different from us? We also buy and sell the Earth's
resources, on a smaller scale. But deep down inside, in the darkness of our
hearts, each one of us feels a nagging emptiness, an uneasiness. With each new
purchase we hope to conquer it, but somehow it always returns. The television
drives it away for a while, but it waits patiently. The drugs remove the pain,
but not the fear. What is this presence, this shadow that follows us? What are
we secretly afraid of? What is the worst thing we can really imagine?
Go to the library, and look at pictures of Native Americans from the turn of
the century. Look deeply, and you will see in their eyes, and in their faces,
that they were ONE with the Earth. Their world was ALIVE with SPIRIT. Humans
are indeed different from any other animal on Earth. We are the EYES OF THE
WORLD! What does this mean? Imagine it literally, the stones and water and
trees physically seeing through our eyes. We are the CROWN OF CREATION, chosen,
not to rule over the Earth, but to SERVE the Earth. We are incarnated as the
physical manifestation of pure consciousness; Gods and Goddesses, each and every
one of us. This is what the human spirit was created for. The Earth is our
responsibility, our destiny, and our sacred purpose.
The thing we fear most is the knowledge that we have failed our purpose.
Phaedrus remembered a line from Thoreau: "You never gain something but
that you lose something." And now he began to see for the first time the
unbelievable magnitude of what man, when he gained power to understand and rule
the world in terms of dialectic truths, had lost. He had built empires of
scientific capability to manipulate the phenomena of nature into enormous
manifestations of his own dreams of power and wealth--but for this he had
exchanged an empire of understanding of equal magnitude: an understanding of
what it is to be a part of the world, and not an enemy of it.
-Robert Pirsig
Just as in the body, eye and ear develop as organs of perception, as senses
for bodily processes, so does a man develop in himself soul and spiritual organs
of perception through which the soul and spiritual worlds are opened to him. For
those who do not have such higher senses, these worlds are dark and silent, just
as the bodily world is dark and silent for those without eyes and ears.
-Rudolph Steiner