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- FFRend (Freeframe Renderer) is RCK's free open-source software for generating VJ content using Freeframe plugins.
- Whorld is free open-source VJ software that animates sacred geometry, with full MIDI support for live performances.
- Mixere, Rev. Korda's free open-source audio mixer software for windows, is finally available for download at SourceForge. An early version of it was
used on the Man of the Future tour, for sound-collage interludes.
- "The Man of the Future" is now available as MP3 files here.
- Rev. Korda was interviewed by the Russian television station NTV, for a program about the upcoming United Nations World Population day; the program airs July 11.
- New work from Rev. Korda is included in Antje Majewski and Ingo Niermann's
show "Atom Krieg" (Nuclear War), at Kunsthaus Dresden
from May 20 to August 15, 2004. Korda's work includes
"Nuclear War Is Not My Problem,"
"Burning Man,"
"Spaghetti With Mushrooms," and
- The Man of the Future 2003 tour:
Thu Oct 23: Plastic (Milan)
Fri Oct 24: Coppelia (Madrid)
Wed Oct 29: Moog (Barcelona)
Thu Oct 30: Tarossa (Tarossa)
Fri Oct 31: Ms Stubnitz (Rostock)
Sat Nov 01: Pfefferbank (Berlin)
Thu Nov 06: Waagenbau (Hamburg)
Fri Nov 07: Rote Fabrik (Zürich)
Tue Nov 11: Cookies (Berlin)
Wed Nov 12: Studio 672 (Cologne)
Fri Nov 14: Umatic (Athens)
Sat Nov 15: Registratur (Munich)
- Rev. Korda will perform live in Boston, on Aug. 27, at Phoenix Landing, 512 Mass Ave, Central Sq.
- The Man of the Future, Rev. Korda's new album,
is now available on CD and vinyl (Gigolo 115).
- Rev. Korda will perform at the
Gay Pride, place de la République, June 28 at 6pm.
- Stupid monkeys made its debut at this year's
Earthfest. It was up for almost ten minutes before the state police got wise. The poles would
have aroused suspicion, so they were smuggled in by canoe; the surprise bought a few precious minutes.
- Guillaume Léglise's interview with Rev. Korda
covers current topics, including species holocaust and the upcoming war in Iraq.
- Rev. Korda will perform live in Europe in February:
Feb 15: Orangerie (Munich)
Feb 19: Batofar (Paris)
Feb 22: Polar TV (Berlin)
with Westbam and Hell
- Long-time CoE member and celebrated author Karin Spaink
has been elevated to a cardinal. She vigorously defended the CoE on Dutch television
during Rev. Korda's recent appearance in Amsterdam, and is currently
redesigning the CoE web site.
- Rev. Korda's November mini-tour:
Nov 09: Zigarettenfabrik (Berlin)
Nov 13: Paradiso (Amsterdam)
Nov 16: Loft (Barcelona)
- It's official: on September 11, 2002 the I
Like to Watch 12" will be released on Null Records (Berlin) and distributed by
Possible Music
(Berlin). Here's the press release.
- Rev. Korda's Aug. 25 performance at the Lowlands festival in the
Netherlands was canceled by the
promoters, after they took a look at this web site. Guess they didn't
like to watch...
- Rev. Korda live in Europe!
Jun 08: Berlin (Anti)
Jun 29: Sonar (Sczeczin)
Jul 03: Berlin (Bastard)
Jul 05: Berlin (DE:BUG 5th ann. party at Kino International)
Jul 06: Hamburg (Tanzhalle)
Jul 13: Berlin (Ostgut)
Jul 14: Berlin (Gigolo showcase at old WMF)
Jul 19: Dresden (Shleife9)
Jul 27: Neubrandenburg (KKH Open-Air)
Aug 17: Copenhagen (Datanom)
Aug 23: Hamburg (Powder Room)
Aug 24: Berlin (Polar TV)
- Chris Korda and the CoE's long-awaited 12" When
It Rains is released on Gigolo Records.
- Cardinal Paley's short video The
Stork is the best anti-breeding art we've seen yet. She's also making a
feature-length film.
- The Church is featured in the documentary Neue Kraft, Neues Werk by Ninon Liotet and Olivier
Schulbaum, to be shown April 25 on Arte TV.
- I Like to Watch will be shown as part of the
Underground Film Festival starting 11:30pm on Saturday, Feb. 23, at
Gallery Oni, 684 Washington Street, Chinatown, Boston.
- Rev. Korda will perform new music on Shwilly B's show, WZBC 90.3 FM, early
on Feb. 16, between 1:00am and 3:00am.
- Rev. Korda will perform live in Germany, France and Spain for the upcoming
release of the 'When It Rains' EP on Gigolo Records. Here's the tour
Sat Feb 23 Hamburg: Orange
Sun Feb 24 Hamburg: GUM Club
Wed Feb 27 Barcelona: Moog
Fri Mar 01 Traunstein: Villa - Gigolo Club
Sat Mar 02 Munich: Ultraschall
Thu Mar 07 Paris: Le Java
Sat Mar 09 Berlin: Ostgut
- I Like to Watch has had over 100,000
downloads as of Jan. 6.
- I Like to Watch and Lydia's
CoE photos are featured in the Art as Activism show at Brickbottom Gallery from Jan.
6 - Jan. 26.
- Cannibal Whore Feast just sent us their
Cannibal Inferno Remix
- I Like to Watch got over 20,000 downloads
in 10 days.
- The I Like to Watch videoclip is finally
- The Church of Euthanasia will once again be featured in the
Trans Sexual Express art show, this time at
Mucsarnok in
Budapest, 1146 Dózsa György road 37, Tel. 343-7401. The show opens Friday
Jan. 18, 2002; Rev. Chris and Marilyn will be in Budapest from Jan. 13-20.
- I Like to Watch is available for free
- Rev. Korda's September 16 appearance at Batofar in Paris has been cancelled due to airline
- The Church of Euthanasia's installation at the Trans Sexual Express art
show has been censored.
- The RealAudio samples are working again,
and better than before.
- The Church is featured in the Trans Sexual Express show at the Centre D'Art de
Santa Monica, in Barcelona, Spain, through September 30. The installation
includes photographs and video of Church actions by Lydia Eccles, plus a
6 x 3m collage of Church graphics designed by Rev. Chris and Marilyn.
- Rev. Chrissy will perform live at the Sonar music festival, on the evening
of Friday, June 16, in Barcelona, Spain.
- The next church action will be in front of the Centre D'Art de Santa
Monica, in Barcelona, Spain, on Tuesday, June 27, 2001, at 11:30 AM.
- Rev. Chrissy performs live electronic music at Club Morocco in Buenos
Aires, March 8. Comer carne de humanos.
- The On-Line Order Form is back.
- The population counter and random church
sticker scripts are back, but the on-line order form is down until
the Reverend learns some more perl.
- The Bio 2000 speech that nearly put
the Reverend in the hospital, with photos.
- E-sermon #18 in which the stage is
set for the upcoming church action at Bio 2000, 1:00pm on Sunday, March
26 at the Hynes Convention center in downtown Boston. Our slogan:
- New photos from Lydia Eccles. Stunning.
- Autumn tour dates (Germany):
November 19 Frankfurt: Ostparkstrasse 25
November 20 Dusseldorf: Ego Club
November 22 Munich: Club 2
November 24 Cologne: Studio 672
November 25 Berlin: Maria Am Ostbahnhof
November 26 Hamburg: Hafenklang
November 27 Dusseldorf: Galerie Horten
- SIX BILLION HUMANS + 2.5 MILLION in Boston, Saturday Oct. 23, 10-2am, at
Hibernia, 25 Kingston Street. Rev. Korda will perform live music, Shwilly
B will DJ.
- SIX BILLION HUMANS, Tuesday Oct. 12, 8pm-midnight, at Circle, 14 Green
Street, Charlestown, MA. Sprockett will DJ, Rev. Korda will perform live.
- Sept 4: Rev. Korda live in Barcelona at Club Nitsa
- Mark Dery's
article completely ignores the bulk of his
original interview with Rev. Korda, which was much more interesting.
- A suicide note from a friend of the Church.
- The Church of Euthanasia Summer Tour:
June 29-July 6 Ridgway, PA: The 1999 National Rainbow Gathering
July 11 Berlin: WMF
July 13 Hamburg: Golden Poodle Club
July 16 Ravensburg: Club Douala
July 17 Munich: Ultraschall
- The naval assault on the WBOS 'Earthfest'
was one of our finest moments, though we didn't die, sorry.
- The original cover photo for Six
Billion Humans Can't Be Wrong was rejected by Gigolo Records, and
caused the German music magazine Beam Me Up to accuse Rev. Korda of
anti-semitism. Here is Rev. Korda's response.
- Six Billion Humans Can't Be Wrong, the
long-awaited album from Chris Korda & the Church of Euthanasia,
contains twelve tracks of electronic dance music including Victim of
Leisure, Buy, Buy More, Fleshdance, Six Billion Humans Can't Be Wrong,
Sex Is Good, and the club classic Save The Planet, Kill Yourself.
Featuring mixes by DJ Naughty, DJ Grinser, and David Frangioni, plus
artwork by Lydia Eccles. Order it now from our
On-Line Catalog, or click here for
RealAudio samples.
- Planet of Weeds: David Quammen asks
paleontologist David Jablonski some 'urgently grim questions,' and gets
'answers unvarnished with obligatory hope.'
- The Index by Author aids digestion by putting
all of our articles and sermons on a single page.
- We have our own domain now! Please link to
rather than envirolink or paranoia.
- Rev. Korda will make a six-week German tour,
starting July 7, for the new Church of Euthanasia EP 'Sex Is Good.'
The EP was released on June 19 by International Gigolo, and is available
in the US from Dutch East.
- The last MITERS sermon got off to
a slow start, but about half-way through, you could have heard a pin drop.
- The Church of
Euthanasia Chronology is a complete history of everything we've ever
done. Read it and you'll understand why Snuff It #5 is so damn late.
- Right to Assemble
Life is another video, this time of the CoE's ejection from the
'Walk for Life', followed by a fetus barbeque.
- Eat: The Blindfold
Cannibal Taste Test is a video of the CoE in action outside a Boston
- The Bunny Bowl plumbs the depths of
our leader's soul. What a peculiar lampshade.
- The complete transcript of the Church of
Euthanasia's appearance on the Jerry Springer show,
'I Want to Join a Suicide Cult.'
- SAVE THE PLANET--KILL YOURSELF #2 on the German techno charts?
You betcha!
- Snuff It #4's photos and the complete
Captain Vile are finally up. Aim for
the chin!
- The Church of Euthanasia on PBS? You betcha, on the show Internet
Cafe the week following April 18.
- Heaven's Gate will be honored in a
ceremony on the Boston Common.
- Snuff It #4 features an in-depth
interview with Rev. Korda, illustrated by 17 outrageous photos of the
Church in DADA action: billboards, banners, abortion clinics, blow-up
dolls, penis pistols, pedophile priests, and more. #4 is 28 pages long,
and also includes anti-humanist essays, sermons, poetry, letters, book
reviews, contacts, a 4-page catalog, and further adventures with Captain
Vile. Send $3 to The Church of Euthanasia, P.O.Box 261, Somerville, MA
- Humans as Cancer makes an eloquent
and convincing case, but the GLF's Modest
Proposal still rules.
- Our press page is finally up. The
latest excitement: four pages in the current issue of Der Spiegel
- For America to Live, Europe Must Die
is Russell Means' most famous speech. Like Rifkin,
he traces the history of European thought and the de-spiritualization that
accompanied it. Like Unapack, he
exposes leftism as more 'science addiction' and technological utopianism.
- Hopi Sinom hold the key
to saving the planet; their pages reveal the simple truth that Earth is
- The Case Against Babies by Granta's
Joy Williams is required reading, or else.
- The Church is featured on page 72 of November's Wired.
- A random Euthanasian sticker makes
an eye-catching addition to any web site, and helps to spread the word.
- Unabomber Political Action Committee
runs the elusive luddite's presidential write-in campaign. Just do it.
- CDA ruled unconstitutional by a
panel of Federal judges, 3-0: 'Any content-based regulation of the
Internet, no matter how benign the purpose, could burn the global village
to roast the pig.' (Dazwell)
SICK PAGE 'reflects...information posted on the Internet by some
seriously sick puppies [us]...the images, language and ideas are totally
reprehensible, vile, disgusting, noxious, [and...] pornographic!'
- SCUM Manifesto explains why males should
'go off to the nearest friendly suicide center where they will be quietly,
quickly and painlessly gassed to death.'
- AIDS heretics are chipping away at the HIV-AIDS
hypothesis, and the Feds are getting desperate. See Peter Duesberg's site for a hypothesis
that actually fits the facts for a change.
- Emergency Contraception
may still be America's best kept secret, but now it's as easy as calling
1-800-584-9911. Hurry! You've got 72 hours!
- Communications Decency Act?
We do not understand your strange customs. Your reproductive functions are
deemed so disgusting that your offspring must never see them, yet your
population increases by one million every four days. Explain.
- SNUFF IT #3 is here, finally! Sorry,
no pictures yet.
- KZPG broadcasts
population-related information. Check out their nifty
curve and population milestones.
- E-sermon #17 in which the grass
drinks our blood. Help raise $ for the world's first
suicide assistance hotline!
We need your pledge!
- The French must immediately cease testing nuclear
weapons on Moruroa; the Being has spoken.
- TIME magazine mentions the CoE in their current
issue, September 4, 'Hot Zines on the Web', page 64.
- The IRS has
finally granted Church of Euthanasia 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status!
Donations are now tax-deductible, providing you itemize.
- Gaia Liberation Front says
'The Humans [are] a hostile alien species, programmed to
kill the planet.'
- The Church of Euthanasia's Unabomber
Page offers the latest information from the folks at Freedom Club.
- The
Cox/Wyden 'Net Freedom' Amendment to the dreaded Communications
Decency Act passed in the House 420-4.
- Our new catalog features 32 stickers,
20 buttons, music, T-shirts, posters, zines, and an
On-Line order form.
- The
Hopi message to the UN makes more sense every day. It's up to all of us.
- bolo'bolo is substructing the Planetary Work Machine
with ABC dysco. We can't explain it: just read it.
- E-sermon #16 in which Rev. Chrissy
ever so gently reminds us that euthanasia is for PUSSIES!
- $t @ndrew Interviews Rev. Korda
and asks the tough question: what the fuck? Oops, that's illegal now...
- The Communications Decency Act passed in the Senate, 84-16. WE'RE ****ED!
Next we fight it in the House.
- The CIA is surprisingly well-informed on overpopulation
and its effect on the environment.
- talk.euthanasia is up! Our very own
big seven newsgroup! Spam, spam, spam...
- First Church of Christ, Abortionist, is the ONLY Christian church we
officially sanction. Awe-inspiring. Unfortunately, they are no longer.
- alt.suicide.holiday
has the most definitive reference on snuffing it we've seen yet. Also see
Ask Chrissy.
- E-sermon #15 in which Rev. Chrissy
draws the obvious conclusion: No animals!
- Butchering the Human Carcass by
Bob Arson. Step-by-step detailed instructions, including procurement.
- Eating Fetuses in China and about
time too. Excellent in soup, with pork and ginger.
- Population
Index from the Office of Population Research. Every population study
that's ever been done.
- E-sermon #14 in which Jaques Ellul,
WB Yeats, Paul Erlich and Marshall McLuhan make things very clear.