- ??/??/92
The first CoE DADA event takes place in Harvard Square. The
local skinheads are not amused.
- 07/15/92
Rev. Korda manages to get on the floor of the Democratic
Convention and sell hundreds of "Save the Planet--Kill Yourself"
stickers to the assembled political junkies.
- 04/15/93
Observed stickering a cruiser, Rev. Korda straps on knee
pads and shows the Somerville police a good time.
- 04/30/93
The CoE joins a local anti-vivisection march, and is finally
persuaded to leave, but not before the "Kill Your Fetus Not Your Pet"
sign makes its debut.
- 09/01/93
Rev. Korda's "Demons in My Head" CD is released on Kevorkian Records.
- 09/13/93
A 10'x10' "Save the Planet--Kill Yourself" banner is attached
to a billboard on the Massachusetts Turnpike.
- 03/25/94
The CoE is incorporated in the state of Delaware.
- 04/29/94
Rev. Korda's "Save the Planet, Kill Yourself" EP is released
on Kevorkian Records.
- 06/01/94
Issue #1 of the CoE journal "Snuff It" is mailed.
- 09/10/94
The CoE joins the first--and last--Boston Population
Awareness Day rally on the Boston Common, with the "The Being" and a
huge RU-486 tablet in tow. ZPG calls the cops, and the CoE is ejected.
- 10/15/94
"Snuff It" #2 is mailed.
- 10/20/94
Rev. Korda appears in the Safe Sex Fashion Show, wearing a
mini-skirt and top crafted by Sister Catherine out of bubble-wrap.
- 12/31/94
The CoE successfully infiltrates the official Boston "First
Night" parade: props include a "meat stick" and the Ark of Materialism.
- 03/??/95
Pastor Scott persuades Rev. Korda and company to get the CoE's
"four pillars" tatooed on their shoulders.
- 03/01/95
Volume I of the CoE E-sermons is mailed.
- 05/20/95
The CoE rents a booth at the four-day National Stationary
Show, held in Javits Center, NYC.
- 07/19/95
A supermarket billboard featuring plastic-wrapped vegetables
is modified to say "Wrapped in Plastic."
- 08/22/95
The IRS awards the CoE 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.
- 09/23/95
The CoE takes a table at the Hemp Rally on the Boston Common.
- 10/??/95
The first service is held in the new CoE chapel, painstakingly
constructed in Sister Catherine's basement.
- 12/01/95
The Suicide Assistance Hotline billboard goes up in
Dorchester, but the hotline is blocked by the telephone company's
- 12/19/95
"Snuff It" #3 is mailed.
- 02/17/96
Lydia Eccles leads Unabomber supporters at the New Hampshire
Primary, while Vermin Supreme organizes a tour of the victory/defeat
- 03/01/96
Rev. Korda and others deploy a 25'x10' GOP Swastika banner
at a Boston polling station on primary day. Rev. Korda claims to be a
Buchanan supporter, and punches are thrown.
- 07/04/96
Rev. Korda holds the CoE annual meeting at the National
Rainbow Gathering in Missouri.
- 07/27/96
The CoE takes a table at the Fetish Flea Market. After
discovering that proceeds benefit the National Leather Association, Rev.
Korda swears vengeance.
- 08/01/96
A billboard featuring the quote "Man's mind, once stretched by
a new idea, never regains its original dimensions" is modified
- 08/26/96
Lydia Eccles takes Rev. Korda and America Hoffman on a
Unapack field trip to the Chicago Democratic Convention. Rev. Korda
visits CoE notables Deacon Kelly and $t @ndrew.
- 08/30/96
Rev. Korda makes a pilgrimage to Gary, Indiana to pray in
front of the steel mills and refineries, and is repeatedly harrassed by
- 09/07/96
The CoE kicks off its pro-abortion activities with a
visibility at Repro clinic. The German magazine Der Spiegel is there.
- 09/14/96
Rev. Korda leads a head-on confrontation with hundreds of
pro-lifers in front of Preterm Clinic, where the "Eat A Queer Fetus For
Jesus" banner makes its first appearance.
- 09/21/96
The CoE takes a table at the Hemp Rally again, and faces
heckling from suburban thugs.
- 10/15/96
The CoE and the Pedophile Priests for Life mingle with
hard-core pro-life demonstrators in front of Gynecare Clinic. Props
include a crucified inflatable sex doll and life-size drawings of naked
- 11/15/96
The Revolving Museum in South Boston hosts a show of
"difficult art," including Unapack, the CoE, and Jay Critchley. The
show is later vandalized by a disgusted tenant.
- 02/20/97
Snuff It #4 is mailed.
- 03/17/97
Rev. Korda flies to San Francisco to be taped for the PBS
show "Internet Cafe," stays with soon-to-be Cardinal Paley, and makes a
detour to San Jose to meet Satanic Outreach director Boboroshi.
- 04/13/97
The CoE holds a ceremony on the Boston Common to honor the
members of Heaven's Gate. Thirty-nine earthworms are released from
individual containers, and grapes are crushed to symbolize castration.
- 04/26/97
Hordes of baby-toting yuppies turn out for an "Earthfest"
rock concert on the Esplanade, where they are taunted by a small but
vocal CoE contingent holding a huge "Thank You For Not Breeding" banner.
- 05/03/97
The CoE launches a surprise attack on a local sperm bank,
deploying a 15-foot-tall bright pink penis. The bank refuses to release
their sperm, and the CoE is forced to slaughter sperm on the front
- 05/11/97
One of those annoying milk-moustache billboards is re-captioned "Sperm."
- 06/12/97
The CoE flies to Chicago to be taped for the Jerry Springer
show. Highlights include fetus eating and an oral sex demonstration.
- 06/27/97
A Christian billboard is modified to read "If you're looking
for a sign from God, kill yourself."
- 06/27/97
The "Save the Planet, Kill Yourself" EP is re-released by
International Gigolo records in Germany.
- 07/19/97
CoE members join clown Rich Mackin for a demonstration in
front of the brand-new Niketown. Vermin gets himself arrested for
- 07/26/97
The CoE returns to the Fetish Flea Market with Vermin Supreme
and a live goat. A necrophilia raffle is held, and the police eject the
goat just before the lucky winner returns to slaughter and fuck it.
- 08/11/97
A heavily sanitized Jerry Springer show is aired, under the
title "I want to join a suicide cult." Pastor Kim's rant makes "Talk
- 08/16/97
International Gigolo flies Rev. Korda to Colgone for
Europe's largest music convention, "Popkom." Rev. Korda appears at club
Apollo, and surprises everyone by playing electric guitar and singing.
- 08/17/97
Rev. Korda addresses a group of German Dadaists at a cafe in Bochum.
- 08/23/97
Rev. Korda's performance is repeated at the Gigolo's home
base, club Ultraschall in Munich.
- 09/13/97
Blindfold Cannibal Taste Tests are held in front of local
supermarkets. Human meat is served, and CoE members are turned on a
specially constructed rotisserie.
- 09/16/97
Rev. Korda and Cardinal Paley appear at a Jerry Springer
screening party in NYC.
- 09/20/97
The CoE takes a table at the Hemp Rally for a third year.
This time homophobic rowdies pelt the CoE with bottles, and a riot is
narrowly avoided.
- 10/05/97
The CoE attempts to join the annual Walk For Life around the
Boston Common, and is rebuffed by an enraged Parks Commissioner, who is
videotaped strangling a photographer with his camera strap. The Fetus
Barbecue is held in exile on Boylston Street.
- 10/18/97
The fun squad returns to Niketown for more consumer education.
- 10/27/97
Pagan Kennedy invites Rev. Korda to speak at Borders Books.
- 11/04/97
Pagan Kennedy invites Rev. Korda to speak again, at Booksmith.
- 02/28/98
The "Vanishing Point" rave is held at the CoE chapel, and
Rev. Korda debuts a live techno set.
- 03/21/98
Rev. Korda returns to Munich to perform live techno at club
- 04/19/98
The CoE takes a table at Rich Mackin's Beantown Zine Fair,
and Fetus Candles are sold for the first time.
- 04/25/98
Outnumbered by sausage vendors at the 1998 Earthfest, CoE
members parade through the crowd and offend nearly everyone before
the police finally catch on.
- 06/20/98
The CoE's "Sex Is Good" rave in Chinatown is a huge hit despite
unpleasantness at the door.
- 07/12/98
Rev. Korda performs in Berlin during the Love Parade, kicking off
a six-week tour with appearances in Munich, Ulm, Sarajevo and Cologne.
- 10/27/98
Rev. Korda participates in a euthanasia debate held by the Law Society at
Trinity College in Dublin. Opponents include a pro-life high court judge.
- 12/02/98
Rev. Korda returns to Germany to mix and master the CD "Six
Billion Humans Can't Be Wrong" and perform in Munich on New Year's Eve.
- 03/01/99
Six Billion Humans Can't Be Wrong,
the long-awaited album from Chris Korda & the Church of Euthanasia,
is finally released. The 72-minute CD contains twelve tracks of
electronic dance music, including the club classic Save The Planet,
Kill Yourself.
- 04/24/99
The CoE makes a surprise naval attack on
the Earthfest, using a home-made raft, complete with a show-stopping sound system.
- 06/29/99
The Church of Euthanasia Summer Tour opens with an anti-hippie breeder action
at the National Rainbow Gathering in Ridgeway PA, followed by musical performances
in Berlin, Hamburg, Ravensburg, and Munich.
- 09/04/99
Rev. Korda performs live in Barcelona, at Club Nitsa.
- 10/12/99
Rev. Korda performs live in Charlestown, at Circle.
- 10/23/99
Rev. Korda performs live in Boston, at Hibernia.
- 11/19/99
The CoE Autumn German Tour opens in Frankfurt, followed by appearances in
Dusseldorf, Munich, Cologne, Berlin, Hamburg, and Dusseldorf again.
- 03/26/00
Thousands of leftists stage a puppet-show/protest against Boston's "Bio 2000" biotechnology
conference. Forty CoE members counter-demonstrate in favor of biotech, as a means of human
extinction, and are violently suppressed by leftists. Rev. Korda is assaulted while
taunting the leftists and barely escapes a trip to
the hospital.
- 03/08/01
Rev. Chrissy performs live at Club Morocco in Buenos Aires.
- 06/16/01
Rev. Chrissy performs live at the Sonar music festival, in Barcelona, Spain. CoE video
footage from Lydia Eccles is projected on giant screens during the performance.
- 06/27/01
The CoE kicks off a three-month exhibit at the Centre D'Art de Santa Monica, in Barcelona,
Spain, with a Dada action in the middle of Las Ramblas. The afternoon tourists are stunned.
- 07/27/01
Elements of the Church installation at the Centre D'Art de Santa Monica are
censored by the museum. The curators threaten to remove the
show, and after a major flap in the spanish newspapers, the censored works are restored.
- 12/11/01
On the three-month anniversary of 9-11, the "I Like to Watch" music video is released
on the internet.
- 12/??/01
Flag night at Gallery Oni in Boston: Lydia Eccles shows her "America is not America"
slides, the CoE's "I Like to Watch" music video makes its debut, and Rev. Korda hands
out American flag wet-naps.
- 12/??/01
Kim Airs shows "I Like to Watch" at the Boston Underground Film Festival.
- 01/18/02
The Church installation moves to Mucsarnok Kunsthalle in Budapest; Rev. Korda and Marilyn
attend the opening.
- 02/24/02
The "When It Rains" record release tour begins, with stops in Hamburg, Barcelona, Munich,
Paris, and Berlin.
- 04/29/02
Rev. Korda's "When It Rains" EP is released on Gigolo Records; better late than never.
- 05/10/02
Rev. Korda kicks off the 2002 summer tour with two shows in Hamburg.